because it shows this message in inspecting elements when I’m making the connection with the database and Asp


Viewed 47 times


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

The name "[email protected]" is not permitted in this context. Valid Expressions are constants, Constant Expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column Names are not permitted.

/apps/JSON_UTIL_0.1.1.Asp, line 5

  • Without you posting your command it is difficult to help you. Surely there is a syntax error in it.

  • Add line 5 code from that file JSON_UTIL_0.1.1.asp in your question.

  • It looks like missing quotes in the command. But you can only be sure seeing the code you are trying to execute.

1 answer


This can be due to different situations being the most common when we try to use a column as DEFAULT value of another column in the creation of a table. Only use constants, scalar functions or NULL.

It may also be due to syntax errors, extra quotes, not including@in query parameters, etc.

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