Create an Android App Bundle with Xamarin Forms


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When I try to publish a Xamarin.Android app on the Android developer console I get the following warning message that won’t let me publish the app:

Mensagem de Aviso APK não otimizado

In this case how could I create an optimized APK, IE, how could create an Android App Bundle from an app developed in Xamarin Forms?

3 answers


In the Android project properties -> Advanced -> under Supported ABIS, select armeabi and armeabi-v7a

  • Bruno Caceiro These options you mentioned are from Android Studio or Xamarin Forms? Because in my case I’m developing using Xamarin Forms..

  • They are in Visual Studio, both for Mac and Windows, and yes, using Xamarinforms


I was having the same problem today and unfortunately I couldn’t find a solution to this warning. I changed the supported ABIS, tried to create a package for each ABI and go up separately, but the warning continued in all cases.

As the following post on the Xamarin forum, it was commented that the solution was in the github of Xamarin Forms, but I did not find anything related to this.

At the end of the day this is just a warning and can be ignored. The problem is that not all required items are filled in. Check on the left side which items are not checked green. In my case was the App Content

App Content não preenchido

After filling in the data and the check turns green will be able to publish the version normally.


Steps to generate the file . Aab in Visual Studio 2019 for development with Xamarin.Forms:

  1. Right-click your project and select Properties.
  2. Navigate to Android options.
  3. Change your configuration to Release.
  4. Change the format of the Android package to Bundle.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

After completing these steps, you can generate an application suite by right-clicking your project and selecting Archive (Archive) to generate the Bundle file (.Aab)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Excerpt from the source:

  • The person who denied my answer above was probably one of those who gave the wrong answer. There is no way to create a file. Aab just changing the type of processor support. Moreover, it is already Google Play’s own definition that Apks will only be accepted until August 2021. After that date one should do the procedure I quoted above for creating the correct file to upload to Google Play.

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