Image in Json without using Base 64


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I’m creating a json and in each json information I need to put an image but I didn’t want a giant code so I don’t want to use Base64 there is some way to put a link in the json that leads to an image?

The image in json will pass a javascript filter so I don’t know if I can put the image url in the img tag.

        "titulo": "Texto titulo",
        "localizacao": "Texto localização",
        "texto": "Texto grande de exemplo para usar como teste geral",
        "imagem": "",
        "id": 0


        "titulo": "Teste 1",
        "imagem": "imagens/Exemplo.png",
        "id": 0

        "titulo": "Teste 2",
        "imagem": "imagens/sardinha11.png",
        "id": 1
<img class="imageminfo" id="imagemareas" src="imagens/Exemplo.png">

I put it that way and then my script has a function and at the end of it I use this form to edit the image:

var image: obj.imagem;


The script is not complete because there are different scripts of this genre that I don’t think and need to present or the question would get too big.


With the help of some answers I managed to realize my solution:

        "titulo": "1",
        "imagem": "./imagens/Exemplo.png",
        "id": 0


        "titulo": "2",
        "imagem": "./imagens/sardinha11.png",
        "id": 1

var image: obj.imagem;

$("#imagemareas").attr("src", this.image);
<img class="imageminfo" id="imagemareas" src="">
  • yes, in json just use "imagem": "http://algumdominio/imagem.jpg", then just set the src image with the link

  • @Ricardopunctual but http leads to an image on the pc?

  • if u want a local image should put in question to help. In the case of local image can use the relative path: src=image.jpg or src=../imagems/imagem.jpg"

  • @Ricardopunctual still not working there is some way I can share my code so you can take a look to see what’s going on?

  • you can edit the question and put here, also helps other people understand and propose other solutions :)

  • I have already solved thanks I will put the solution in the question

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1 answer


Suppose your file that will display the image is anywhere, either remote or localhost, and suppose inside the file directory you have a subdirectory called "images".

The structure of Json will be:

        "titulo": "Texto titulo",
        "localizacao": "Texto localização",
        "texto": "Texto grande de exemplo para usar como teste geral",
        "imagem": "imagens/arquivo.jpg",
        "id": 0

If you call src="" in the tag with the path name, the tag will display the related image, whether it is on localhost or on the web, if the file structure and directories are the same, you will have no problem in displaying the images in your code, as it will keep the file path pattern as images/file.jpg.

On localhost will be:

<img src="imagens/arquivo.jpg"/>

And on the online server:

<img src="imagens/arquivo.jpg"/>

And both locations will display the images in the same way.

  • the image will pass through a filter I made in javascript so the image that will be in the <img> tag will change with the obj chosen so that is why I wanted to put the image only in json and not tag

  • 1

    The example above is exactly that, it will be referenced in json, and your javascript gets the img: value from json and sends it to the img src='' tag, it won’t be static, I used the tag example as the end result.

  • I’ll try to tell you something.

  • Eliseu I put this guy but the image does not change with the chosen filters I will edit the question to show you

  • 2

    You can make your Javascript code available, improve your question with more details of your code?

  • is yes prefer that I use what to put my code there?

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