What is the best way to store files in a webapplication?


Viewed 101 times


I intend to store files of type docx, pdf, among others to access in my web application, where the database is Mysql, and the framework used is Codeigniter. Could someone explain me which way would be better to implement and store the files, in order to deal with legal system, where each file upado should be related to a process number?

1 answer


In the IC I am using local, and saved in the bank next to a record the name of the file or location and then call the file where I need...

Bank example

id, name, profile, age, ...

in the Pefil column is the image profile example 1.png if id is 1 if I save the location gets folder/1.png and I make a code in php to save the file in a folder.

  • thanks for the reply, I would have some video teaching how to do this that you explained in CI?

  • another question is how to block browser access for non-logged users?

  • 1

    In the folder that will store the files puts an htaccess with deneis for no one to access.

  • 1

    See if this topic helps you: http://blog.thiagobelem.net/upload-de-arquivos-com-php

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