Error Segmentation fault(core dumped) in C


Viewed 173 times


When trying to calculate which prime can make a division of rest 0 with the number 600851475143 I came across the error segementation fault(core dumped) (although I used the sieve of Eratosthenes for the calculation of primes). I had already solved this problem in other algorithms, but I’m not getting on this.

I believe that the use of dynamic allocation will be necessary, but I did not do very well with it. It follows original code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  int count_1 = 0, count_2 = 0, soma = 0, maior = 0;
  int numero_maximo[600851475144];

  for (count_1 = 2; count_1 <= 600851475143; count_1++)
    numero_maximo[count_1] = count_1;

  for (count_1 = 2; count_1 <= 600851475143; count_1++)
    if (numero_maximo[count_1] == count_1)
      if (600851475143 % count_1 == 0)

        if (count_1 > maior)
          maior = 0;
          maior = count_1;

  printf("%d\n", maior);

  return 0;
  • 1

    An int does not hold the number 600851475143. Search for other data types. Maximum acceptable value for an int: 2147483647.

  • 1

    get a machine with more than 600 GB of RAM :) , or create a swap file (for virtual memory) of more than 600 GB of RAM (600GB is more or less the size of your "numero_maximo" array)... ops, and need to put as global variable, I don’t think any system in the world will have a 600GB stack run...

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