Problems with a C program


Viewed 108 times


I’m having trouble developing a program that solves the problem below: Write a program that reads two integers M and N and calculate the average arithmetic of the prime numbers of the range [M, N].

First I decide to check if the program is working on its own, making the sum of the prime numbers in the interval. For example, in the range between 5 and 3, the result of the sum of prime numbers must be 8, but the sum is always going wrong. Someone could help me?


    int m,n,k,div,y,soma=0;
    printf("Informe dois números: ");

    if(m > n){
        int cont=0;
                div= k%y;
                    soma = soma + k;
        printf("A soma dos números primos entre o intervalo [%d,%d] é %d",m,n,soma);


3 answers


I worked out the solution of the problem using part of his reasoning however, I implemented the code aiming to readability for a better understanding of the proposed algorithm, see:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* funcao capaz de verificar se um numero eh primo */
int eh_primo( unsigned long long n )
    unsigned long long i = 0;

    if(n <= 1)
        return 0;

    if( (n % 2) == (0 && n > 2) )
        return 0;

    for( i = 3; i < n / 2; i += 2 )
        if( n % i == 0 )
            return 0;

    return 1;

int main( void )
    unsigned long long k, m, n;
    unsigned long long soma = 0;
    unsigned long long contador = 0;
    long double media;

    printf("Informe dois numeros: ");

    /* Verifica se o intervalo eh valido*/
    if( n > m )
        /* percorre todos os numeros no intervalo */
        for( k = m; k <= n; k++ )
            /* verifica se o numero atual eh um primo */
            if( eh_primo(k) )
                /* faz o somatorio do numero primo encontrado */
                soma += k;

                /* incrementa contador de numeros primos */

    /* se houver ao menos um numero primo no intervalo, calcula a media  */
    if( contador > 0 )
        /* Calcula media aritmetica dos primos */
        media = soma / (long double) contador;

        /* exibe a media aritmetica na tela */
        printf("media = %Lg\n", media );

    /* exibe contador de numeros primos no intervalo */
    printf("contador = %llu\n", contador );

    /* exibe o somatorio na tela */
    printf("somatorio = %llu\n", soma );

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

See working on Ideone


You need to reset the variable counting each number of the range to be tested (at each value of k).

    int m,n,k,div,y,soma=0;
    printf("Informe dois números: ");

    if(m > n){
             int cont=0;
                div= k%y;
                 soma = soma + k;
        printf("A soma dos números primos entre o intervalo [%d,%d] é %d",m,n,soma);


Another thing is that you can test if m>n and otherwise invert m and n and use the same code.


Yes, the if(cont==2){ test was in the wrong place. Fixed.

  • I tested again by zeroing the counter the way you said, but the result is now 12. Any more suggestions than might be wrong?


Implementation without many strings, but with some comments and explanatory messages. Also with names of significant variables, instead of x, y, m, n, k, etc, and with comfortable eye spacing.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// teste simples de primalidade
static int is_prime(int n)
  // menor que 2 nao e' primo
  if (n < 2)
    return 0;

  // 2 e' primo
  if (n == 2)
    return 1;

  // numero par nao e' primo
  if ((n & 1) == 0)
    return 0;

  // maior divisor de n possivel
  int meio_n = n / 2;

  for (int i = 3; i <= meio_n; i += 2)
    if ((n % i) == 0)
      return 0;

  return 1;

int main(void)
  int inf, sup, total = 0, n_primes = 0;

  printf("* informe dois números: ");
  scanf("%d%d", &inf, &sup);

  if (inf == sup)
    if (is_prime(inf))
      printf("* %d e' primo, media e' o proprio %d\n", inf, inf);
      printf("* %d nao e' primo, media e' 0\n", inf);

  if (inf > sup)
    int tmp = inf;
    inf = sup;
    sup = tmp;

  for (int i = inf; i <= sup; i++)
    if (is_prime(i))
      printf("* %d primo\n", i);
      total += i;
      printf("* %d\n", i);


  if (n_primes > 0)
    int avg = total / n_primes;
    printf("* existe(m) %d numero(s) primo(s) no intervalo [%d,%d]\n", n_primes, inf, sup);
    printf("* media dos numeros primos no intervalo [%d,%d] e' %d\n", inf, sup, avg);
    printf("* nao existem numero primos no intervalo [%d,%d]\n", inf, sup);



* informe dois números: 24 28
* 24
* 25
* 26
* 27
* 28
* nao existem numero primos no intervalo [24,28]

* informe dois números: 5 5
* 5 e' primo, media e' o proprio 5

* informe dois números: 6 6
* 6 nao e' primo, media e' 0

* informe dois números: 14 7
* 7 primo
* 8
* 9
* 10
* 11 primo
* 12
* 13 primo
* 14
* existe(m) 3 numero(s) primo(s) no intervalo [7,14]
* media dos numeros primos no intervalo [7,14] e' 10

* informe dois números: 7 14
* 7 primo
* 8
* 9
* 10
* 11 primo
* 12
* 13 primo
* 14
* existe(m) 3 numero(s) primo(s) no intervalo [7,14]
* media dos numeros primos no intervalo [7,14] e' 10

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