Refresh a page after Submit PHP


Viewed 1,563 times


I want to refresh my page (refresh), after clicking a button that is in a popup. This is the form of the popup page.

<form method="POST" action="_cal.php" >
        <input type=submit value=Fechar onclick=window.close()>

When you click on the close of the popup, I want to update my "_cal.php page".

  • This popup opens on the _cal.php page ?

  • No, it’s opened by other popup.

2 answers


In popup, enter in event onunload (that will be triggered when you have close the popup) for the parent page to be reloaded.

<body onunload="window.opener.location.reload()">


It follows an alternative adapted from a reply from Sozão:

This code is an interesting alternative if you prefer that the control is on account of the window that opens the popup, and not within the popup proper.

function pop() {
  var child ='', '','toolbar=0,status=0,width=400,height=200');
  var timer = setInterval( CheckChild, 500 );

  function CheckChild() {
    if (child.closed) {
      alert("Aqui voce recarrega a pagina");

See working on JS Fiddle.

Just change the line of alert for window.location desired.

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