How to fill an inputText based on another inputText?


Viewed 324 times


I’m a beginner in JSF, Primefaces. I have a form and I would like that when a field received a certain value, another field would return information from the Database. Example:

On the field txRecebida, I fill with 1001, automatically in the field txRecebidaNome this account name appears.

Follow my view:

<p:fieldset legend="Lançamento Padrão">
    <h:panelGroup styleClass="painel" layout="block">
        <h:panelGroup styleClass="form-group col-lg-6 col-xl-6"  
            <p:outputLabel for="txRecebida" value="Taxas Recebidas à Conta" />
            <p:inputText class="form-control col-4" id="txRecebida"
         label="Taxas Recebidas à Conta"
          value="#{EmpresaMb.planoTaxaRecebida}" />
            <p:inputText class="form-control col-8" id="txRecebidaNome"
        label="txRecebidaNome" disabled="true" />

1 answer


I did something similar to what you need, a look:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Enter a code to perform the search for a vehicle that is registered in the Database, in order to return me the speed of the same.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

If there is a record, I will update the second field according to my return parameter which in this case is the speed.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

If there is no data, no vehicle will be found.

Here’s an excerpt from my page that looks like yours:

 <p:fieldset legend="Velocidade de um veículo" style="width:45%; margin-top:15%; margin-left:22%;">

                    <br />
                    <h:panelGroup styleClass="painel" layout="block">
                        <h:panelGroup styleClass="form-group col-lg-6 col-xl-6"
                            <p:outputLabel for="txtCodigo" value="Código:"  style="margin-left:4.5%"/>
                            <p:inputText class="form-control col-4" id="txtCodigo"                                
                                value="#{}" style="margin-left:0.4%">
                                 <p:ajax event="keyup" update="txtSpeedRecebido" listener="#{vehicle.actionCarregarCodigo}"/>
                            <p:outputLabel for="txtSpeedRecebido" value="Velocidade:" style="margin-left:2%;"/>                             
                            <p:inputText class="form-control col-8" id="txtSpeedRecebido" style="margin-left:0.4%"
                                value="#{vehicle.speed}" disabled="true" />  

                                <br />
                                <p:messages id="messages" showDetail="true"
                                  autoUpdate="true" closable="true" />                                   
                        <br /> 


                <p:commandButton value="Reset" id="reset"
                style="margin-left:22%; margin-top:2%;"
                process="@this" update="txtCodigo, txtSpeedRecebido">
                    target="txtCodigo, txtSpeedRecebido" />

Now the secret revealed:

<p:ajax event="keyup" update="txtSpeedRecebido" listener="#{vehicle.actionCarregarCodigo}"/>

Let’s use the Primefaces Ajax that is related in the first input. Now let’s look how is distributed my Managedbean:

public String getSpeedById() {

        String speed = null;

        try {           

        TesteDAO dao = new TesteDAO();

        int cod = Integer.parseInt(id);

        speed = dao.pesquisa(cod);  

        if(speed == null)   
             FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, "Warning:", " Nenhum veículo encontrado."));

        else  FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Info:", " Velocidade encontrada."));

    }catch (Exception e) {

        return speed;

The above method is what I will perform the search in the Database.

public void actionCarregarCodigo(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException {

        this.speed = this.getSpeedById();           

Above is the method where you will perform the search automatically for me. Note that I am referencing the variable speed to receive the result and display in the second field.

Ajaxbehaviorevent is a class representing the behavior of the Ajax-specific component.

as described in:


public void reset() {

        speed = null;
        id = null;


Above is a method just to wipe data from form.

I hope I’ve helped.

  • Very originated Well Silva, I followed his example adapting to what I needed and I managed to get the result!

  • Not at all Ewerton, need we are there in the world. I had a similar problem to update a checkbox.

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