How did you do the translation? Automatic by Wordpress?
Because when you install Wordpress in en, it comes all translated.
But anyway, anyway, there is a way to translate, which I use.
There is a plugin called Loco Translate.
- Install and activate it.
- In the settings of the same, you will have the option to choose the file, being theme or plugin.
- Choose plugin and Woocommerce, create a template for your Wordpress language.
- Check if it is the Woocommerce plugin that needs translation searching the untranslated words.
- If it is, save and check if it has been translated.
- If not, check if it is the theme.
I found out! It was a plug-in!! :/
– Giulianna Trivellato
Still, thank you very much!
– Giulianna Trivellato