REACT-JS - Warning: Each Child in a list should have a Unique "key" prop


Viewed 14,667 times


Problem in rendering my state always gives error:

Warning: Each Child in a list should have a Unique "key" prop.

Check the render method of Main. See for more information.

in li (at main/index.js:42)
in Main (at App.js:14)
in header (at App.js:12)
in div (at App.js:10)
in App (at src/index.js:7)



        <ol className="planetas-list">
            { =>(                
                <li key={planetas.lista}> 


Could you tell me what’s going on? I’ve looked hard at overflow but still couldn’t solve... vlw!

1 answer


It is a common problem. All items in a rendered list must contain a property called key and it should be unique( ie, can not have another key equal).

I saw that in your code you put <li key={planetas.lista}>, but it’s probably not unique.

Try to put the ID of each item there.

In the latter case you can use the index:

      <ol className="planetas-list">
          {, index) =>(                
              <li key={index}> 

But not recommended by Facebook:

We don’t recommend using Indexes for Keys if the order of items may change. This can negatively Impact performance and may cause issues with Component state. Check out Robin Pokorny’s article for an in-Depth Explanation on the Negative Impacts of using an index as a key. If you Choose not to assign an Explicit key to list items then React will default to using Indexes as Keys.

You can take a look at the documentation for more details:

Good luck!

  • Thanks brother! to breaking my head here but I will delve into the doc of the Act and any questions I put here, if anyone can answer I am grateful!

  • 1

    you checked whether the planetas.lista is a unique value?

  • I was able to resolve by taking out of my state all {} that were repeating and adding unique id’s to each property that I called in the render. vlw guys!

  • 1

    Someone can explain why this Warning is accused when using the function. map() without assigning the key property and not when creating a <View> directly (also without specifying the key)?

  • I didn’t quite understand the question, I’ll try to answer. Key is a special string attribute that you need to define when creating lists of elements. Keys help React identify which items have been changed, added, or removed. Keys must be assigned to the elements within the array to give a stable identity to the elements.

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