I have the INSERT INTO below that shows error in the field where the value is
'[/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '/', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]'
INSERT INTO ADVDEV."Mascara"("Guid", "MascaraId", "EmpresaId",
"GrupoEmpresaId", "TarefaId", "Codigo", "Sigla", "Descricao", "Prefixo",
"Sufixo", "SeparadorNiveis", "QuantidadeNiveis", "SiglaAdicionaGrava",
"Sequencial", "MascaraFormatada", "MascaraExpression", "DataCadastro",
"DataAlteracao", "DataInativacao", "UsuarioCadastroId",
"UsuarioAlteracaoId", "UsuarioInativacaoId", "Excluido") VALUES(1, 1410, 333, 348, 75, '3', 'PES', 'Pessoa', NULL, NULL, '.', 1, 'GRAVA', 'S', '9999/9999',
'[/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '/', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N');
Can anyone help me insert this mask field? I believe the error may be in using quotation marks inside quotation marks:
Yes the error is in this '/' in the middle of what would be a string: '[/ d/, / d/, / d/, / d/, /', / d/, / d/, / d/]', but it is not interpreting as a single string since the ' character closes the string and / is not a field separator.
– anonimo
I was able to solve using 2 single quotes
'[/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, ''/'', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]'
– Lucas Latorre