I can not very well create procedures with the output values, how to receive a value, and return it after the call, someone could help me with an exercise that I am doubtful
Create a procedure that is named after a particular piece and present the total amount currently stored of this part and the location where it is stored the largest amount of this piece (Corridor Description and number of the Receptacle).
create or replace PROCEDURE estoquePeca(pNome IN varchar2)
totalArmazenado number;
localMaiorQuantidade number;
descricaoCorredor varchar2;
numeroReceptaculo number;
select sum(p.quant_total) as total, r.num_recept,
from receptaculos r, pecas p, corredores c
where pNome = p.descricao and p.peca = r.peca and r.cod_corr = c.corredor;
end estoquePeca;