How to solve "Clean your tree for work"?


Viewed 516 times


Me and the team I’m with, we work with GIT + Visual Studio Code... When we touch the same file, when we commit/pull the files, the following error occurs:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

There is some way to solve this, because today we put the local changes in a notepad, we push, we make the modifications again and then we eat the site...

1 answer


I can help you solve this using the terminal:

  1. Execute git stash to save your current changes
  2. Perform the operation you want (pull for example)
  3. Execute git stash pop to take your stash stack changes

After that you may have to perform merges between the stash files and the new downloaded codebase.

You can also name the stashes via the command git stash save "Minha mensagem de identificação para o stash"

The stashes listing can be done through the command git stash list

  • When it happens again, we will try to do so in this way, thank you very much for the reply

  • We tested it here and it worked :)

  • You’re welcome to help :)

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