Problem searching and filtering date data on object


Viewed 93 times


I have the following functions to search and sort a user for a certain date, however, when running these functions on an object, it generates an error KeyError: 0 in function listagemData

#Criar padrão para pesquisa por data
def criarStrData():
    ano = input("Por favor, informe o ANO para a busca (ex.: 1905)\n")
    mes = input("Por favor, informe o MÊS para a busca (ex.: 4, 5, 12)\n")
    dia = input("Por favor, informe o DIA para a busca (ex.: 15, 2, 29)\n")
    #Dia, Mês e Ano
    mda = "{}/{}/{}".format(mes,dia,ano)
    return mda

#Usar padrão para buscar usuários e inserí-los em listagem
def listagemData(usuarios, mda):
    listagemDt = []
    for i in range(0, len(usuarios)):
        if usuarios[i][3][0] == mda:
    return listagemDt

#Filtrar a lista em ordem
def filtroDt(listagemDt):
    elementos = len(listagemDt) - 1
    ordenado = False
    while not ordenado:
        ordenado = True
        for i in range(elementos):
            if datetime.datetime.strptime(listagemDt[i][3][1], "%H:%M") > datetime.datetime.strptime(listagemDt[i + 1][3][1], "%H:%M"):
                listagemDt[i], listagemDt[i + 1] = listagemDt[i + 1], listagemDt[i]
                ordenado = False
    return listagemDt`

Use of functions occurs as follows::

listaDtF = filtroDt(listagemData(usuarios, criarStrData()))
if len(listaDtF) > 0:
    for i in range(0, len(listaDtF)):
        print("Nenhum registro encontrado\n")

the verified object is the user object:

    "murilomelo": ["Murilo Henrique Gamb\u00f4a de Melo", "Super Administrador de Sistema", 4, ["06/04/2019", "10:13"]],
    "Marcelo": ["Marcelo Almeida", "Administrador", 4, ["06/04/2019", "10:29"]],
    "AdrianaNeves": ["Adriana Neves Castro", "secret\u00e1ria", 1, ["06/04/2019", "10:30"]]

How can I fix the code to search and filter the display of this object?

1 answer


Man from what I saw Oce is trying to iterate over dictionaries as if it were a list, in python it is not possible to access a dictionary by syntax foo[2] for example, unless 2 be the key to this dictionary, the correct would be foo["key"]. I took your job listagemData and changed the access to the values of the dictionary, it was like this

    def listagemData(usuarios, mda):
    listagemDt = []
    for chave, valor in usuarios.items():
        if valor[3][0] == mda:
            listagemDt.append({chave: valor})
    return listagemDt
  • Anderson helped me chat, I’ll run here, if it works already mark as answer, because that’s right

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