How to write multiple string (names) in R?


Viewed 44 times


For example I want to write a second name

#insirindo uma sequencia de numeros
  1: 45
  2: 65
  3: 12
  4: 32
  5: 23
  6: 78
  7: 87
  8: 98
  9: 12
  10: 555
  11:    #tecle enter para parar
 #verificando valores 
 [1] 1: 45 65 12 32 23 78 87 98 12 555

1 answer


You actually want to create a vector?!

nome <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
  • is a string array like in the example : age<-scan()

  • You want to turn this into a data frame?

  • I think I got : name<-scan(what = Character())

  • I tested here, I saw no difference as to the structure. The use of the scan, From what I’ve seen, it only gives you the opportunity to type in your words of interest on the console, but if you do this and you do View(nome) you can see that this is the same result using the c for vector breeding.

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