Abnormal error entering a Methodinfo page.Invoke "Parameter count error"


Viewed 37 times


I’m calling the following function put it gives this problem "Parameter count error" when executing:

url = (string)miScriptReference_GetUrl.Invoke(this, new object[] { scriptManager, value, false });


public string GetUrl(ScriptManager scriptManager)
            string url = string.Empty;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path))
                    PropertyInfo piScriptManager_IControl = scriptManager.GetType().GetProperty("Control", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    MethodInfo miScriptReference_GetUrl = typeof(ScriptReference).GetMethod("GetUrl", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    Type typeIControl = Type.GetType(piScriptManager_IControl.PropertyType.AssemblyQualifiedName.ToString(), false, true);
                    //object value = Convert.ChangeType(piScriptManager_IControl.PropertyType, typeIControl);
                    object value = piScriptManager_IControl.GetValue(scriptManager, null);
                    url = (string)miScriptReference_GetUrl.Invoke(this, new object[] { scriptManager, value, false });

                    /*return base.GetUrl(scriptManager, false); //Ajax 3.5*/
                    //MethodInfo miGetScriptResourceUrl = typeof(ScriptManager).GetMethod("GetScriptResourceUrl", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                    //Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                    //url = (string)miGetScriptResourceUrl.Invoke(scriptManager, new object[] { Name, asm });
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                url = scriptManager.ResolveClientUrl(Path);
            return url;

This problem started after migrating vs from . net from 2.0 to 4.7

  • I saw nothing of the mistake itself because in the form presented it did not motivate me to see, but if you take this try-catch It already helps your code get better, because it does nothing but spoil the stack trace*. Never use something you don’t know what it’s for and what you’re doing. This will help you more with your current mistake and all the others that will come. But I see a lot of really bad things in this code, I think it can be much simpler and probably wouldn’t even have that mistake.

  • Since you say it could be simpler, please show me in the answer a simpler way and help me solve... ps: I am migrating this code must be about 10 years old!

1 answer


I solved the problem leaving the function like this!

public string GetUrl(ScriptManager scriptManager)
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path))
        return base.GetUrl(scriptManager, false);
        return scriptManager.ResolveClientUrl(Path);

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