Problems to download the angular cli through the terminal due to the internet provider?


Viewed 168 times


I have a problem (I am currently using windows 10) that I can not solve. When I’m using the Internet here in my house and give the command npm install -g @angular/[email protected]

the terminal locks and does not lower anything, I’ve tried everything....

Then I went to the neighbor’s house that uses another internet provider and the command works on time.

How should I solve this problem definitively to be able to download the angular packages on my machine while I’m at home(Which has an even more effective internet than the neighbor’s)?

I think it should be a proxy problem (I may be wrong), I have no idea how to go about setting up the proxy...

  • You use proxy on your network?

  • Only the CLI package, no other, not even the other Angular packages?

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    Look, maybe a vpn will help, but that shouldn’t happen.

  • @Celsomarigojr No, I don’t use proxy.

  • @Yes costamilam after I went to the neighbor’s house and lowered the angle cli and returned home installed for example the bootstrap and jquey via npm in the angular design

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    @Edwardramos Thanks I will seek to learn how to use a vpn here and try.

  • @Itwasn'tme My provider is Brisanet , I honestly don’t know if he has the reverse DNS, how can we figure it out?

  • @Itwasn'tme Tomorrow I will try to do this , because now I’m out of my house and I’m only there tomorrow, can let me try to do everything you indicated. Thank you very much

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