Why is EF Core updating data from other tables?


Viewed 186 times


Why EF Core is actuating data from other tables?

I am updating a table with EF but however I notice that EF is updating that table and still other tables.

 public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Cor,Porte,Raca,Vacinado,Sexo,TipoAnimal,TipoAnuncio, Id,Descricao,Aprovado,DataPublicacao,Telefone,Email,Idade, Pais, Localidade")] Anuncio anuncio, IEnumerable<IFormFile> Imagens)
    if (id != anuncio.Id)
      return NotFound();
            var anuncioActualizado = await _context.Anuncio.Include(x => x.Cor)
               .Include(x => x.Imagens)
               .Include(x => x.Localidade)
               .Include(x => x.Pais)
               .Include(x => x.Porte)
               .Include(x => x.Raca)
               .Include(x => x.Sexo)
               .Include(x => x.TipoAnimal)
               .Include(x => x.TipoAnuncio)
               .Include(x => x.User)
               .Include(x => x.Vacinado)
               .Include(x => x.Cor).Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstAsync();

            var userid = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
            anuncioActualizado.Cor.Nome = _context.Cor.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Cor.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;
            anuncioActualizado.Porte.Nome = _context.Porte.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Porte.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;
            anuncioActualizado.Sexo.Nome = _context.Sexo.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Sexo.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;
            anuncioActualizado.TipoAnimal.Nome = _context.TipoAnimal.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.TipoAnimal.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;
            anuncioActualizado.TipoAnuncio.Nome = _context.TipoAnuncio.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.TipoAnuncio.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;
            anuncioActualizado.Vacinado.Nome = _context.Vacinado.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Vacinado.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;
            anuncioActualizado.Raca.Nome = _context.Raca.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Raca.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;
            anuncioActualizado.User = _context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == _userId).First();
            anuncioActualizado.Pais.Nome = _context.Pais.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Pais.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;
            anuncioActualizado.Localidade.Nome = _context.Localidade.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Localidade.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;
            anuncioActualizado.DataPublicacao = DateTime.Now;
            anuncioActualizado.Descricao = anuncio.Descricao;
            anuncioActualizado.Email = anuncio.Email;
            anuncioActualizado.Idade = anuncio.Idade;

            if (Imagens != null)
            await ActualizarImagemAsync(anuncioActualizado, Imagens);
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!AnuncioExists(anuncio.Id))
                    return NotFound();
            return RedirectToAction("Anuncio", "Anuncios", new { id = anuncio.Id }); 

So I just want to update the entity Anuncio However this is updating other entities like "Color", "Port" etc

 public class Anuncio: Animal
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Descricao { get; set; }
        public TipoAnuncio TipoAnuncio { get; set; }
        public bool Aprovado { get; set; }
        public DateTime DataPublicacao { get; set; }
        public virtual ICollection<Imagem> Imagens { get; set; }
        public int Telefone { get; set; }
        public string Email { get; set; }
        public Pais Pais { get; set; }

        public Localidade Localidade { get; set; }

        public ApplicationUser User { get; set; }


The other entities are all configured like this

public class Pais
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public string Nome { get; set; }
  • explain better!

  • When I try to update the entity Anuncio this updates the value of the entity Pais ie Country is a table where the data should not be changed but rather consumed but for some reason when I change Advertisement this changes the value of Country, imagine that I have 2 countries in Country Portugal, Brazil, suppose the Ad was created with Portugal and I switch to Brazil, what happens is that it changes in the Ad but also goes in the entity Country and puts where is Portugal = Brazil thus staying with two countries Brazil

  • Try to get the .Nome in all, example, anuncioActualizado.Cor = _context.Cor.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Cor.Id).FirstOrDefault();

1 answer


Amadeu, the values of the other tables are being changed because you are changing.

When you make this command: anuncioActualizado.Raca.Nome = _context.Raca.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Raca.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome; the Entity makes the track of the entity Raca and believes that there has been a change to it.

I didn’t understand the need for you to have to set the name this way, but worrying only about not updating these entities, you can do the following

_context.Entry(anuncioActualizado.Raca).State == EntityState.Unchanged;

This will cause Entity to ignore entity changes Raca.

Another possibility is, the moment you are "changing" the name (as in this command anuncioActualizado.Raca.Nome = _context.Raca.Where(x => x.Id == anuncio.Raca.Id).FirstOrDefault().Nome;) you can stop the trackeation of the Entity:

_context.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking;

Remember to return the Track for TrackAll:

_context.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.TrackAll;

I hope I’ve helped.

  • 1

    Using Notracking... I don’t think it’s a good thing

  • Agree Renan, as it is something that refers to the context, any operation "cascade" can be affected. Have to be careful.

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