Memcached + Tomcat authentication


Viewed 87 times


I’m testing the Memcached to implement failover on my Tomcat servers.

Is there any way to implement user/password security?

Memcached will be on a public IP, so I find it unsafe that he’ll be exposed without some kind of authentication.

1 answer


The Memcached documentation has a page about SASL authentication, this being the recommended solution for the above scenario.

The setup seems to be simple. Just look at the How-To available.

I don’t know exactly what it takes to have a cache available on the web, since "distance" access can either generate connection instabilities or eliminate performance gains due to network delays. Depending on what you want, consider using a Restful Web Service to abstract your cache.

  • It is that I will have a balance between 2 servers (Sticky Session), but I want a server to take over the session in case of failure of the other (failover). The problem is that my servers are not yet in the same subnet, so I need to traffic through the public network.

  • I even saw this how-to, but I couldn’t implement it. I couldn’t get Tomcat to connect (I used usename and password parameters in context.xml)

  • @Nilsonuehara That configuration would be from Server. In the client part, it will depend on the library you are using to support SASL. See the spymemcached, for example.

  • 1

    I found the problem! Missing insert parameter memcachedProtocol="Binary" in context.xml

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