Image does not load in email when fired by the application


Viewed 36 times


When the administrator performs the registration of a seller an automatic e-mail is triggered to the email provided "Welcome e-mail;".

I’m having trouble when the seller receives the same, the company logo is not displayed as per the image.

<img src="~/images/logo-email.png" alt="" width="300" height="118" />

I’ve tried to put ../ or ~/ and yet the image is not loaded when the seller receives the same.

If I open this html file through the folder the logo normally displays, but when the email is sent the receiving person cannot see the logo at the top.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Thiago, I believe it is better you put the whole way to access the photo, example:

  • 2

    It is because the image does not exist in the specified path, right. Either you leave the entire image embedded in the email or point to a ""global path""".

  • Need to enter the full image URL, and also some servers do not allow image display, asking the user to unlock, or that the source is added in the list of released emails, has two situations to analyze.

  • Show guys, worked out here!!

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