How can I print a user-typed string in Assembly 8086?


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I’m having trouble printing a string that was later typed by the user through INT 21h/AH 0Ah. I have no idea how I can print the string that was filed in AL.

mov ah, 0Ah
int 21h

I tried to use the INT 21h/ AH 09h, but I think I could not use it correctly.

1 answer


A string can be read from the keyboard via functions / interrupts:

  • 0Ah/21h : bufferized entrance
  • 03Fh/21h : reading file or device
  • 08h/21h : reading character by character (manual loop)
  • 4810h/2Fh : bufferized input using DOSKEY (demand the DOSKEY TSR installed)

Given the type of problem reported, I assume you are reading the input through buffer 0Ah/21h.

For the buffer to be used in this reading there are certain requirements to be followed:

  • The first byte will tell you the maximum length of characters to be readings.
  • The second byte will return the number of bytes actually read.
  • From the third byte is that actually starts the string read.

A buffer declared in the following format does not serve:

BUFFER db 255 DUP('$')

A good buffer for string reading will have the following form:

BUFFER db 255         ; Número máximo de elemementos a serem lidos.
       db ?           ; Número de elementos lidos retornado pela interrução sem incluir o enter.
STRING db 255 DUP(0)  ; Variável armazenando o texto lido.

Later, in possession of the number of characters read, the substitution of enter will be made chr(13) end of buffer by string terminator.

The code below performs the reading and printing of a string, commenting on the procedures followed.


    BUFFER db 255             ; Número máximo de elemementos a serem lidos.
           db ?               ; Número de elementos lidos retornado pela interrução sem incluir o enter.
    STRING db 255 DUP(0)      ; Variável armazenando o texto lido.
    TERMINADOR db 10D,13D,'$'

    ; Inicializa o segmento de dados.
    mov ax,SEG _DATA
    mov ds,ax

    ; Lê entrada no buffer.
    mov dx,OFFSET BUFFER
    mov ah,0ah
    int 21h

    ; Substitui enter chr(13) por término de string.
    mov si, offset BUFFER + 1 ; Carrega em si o número de elementos lidos.
    mov cl, [si]              ; Armazena em cl o número de elementos lidos.
    mov ch, 0                 ; Zera ch para poder usar cx.
    inc cx                    ; cx passa a armazenar a posição do enter chr(13) final do buffer
    add si, cx                ; si aponta para a posição
    mov al, '$'
    mov [si], al              ; substitui o enter chr(13) pelo terminadore de string '$'

    ; imprime terminador
    mov ah,09h
    int 21h

    ; imprime string
    mov dx,OFFSET STRING
    mov ah,09h
    int 21h

    mov ah,4ch              ; funcao de termino
    int 21h                 ; interrupcao do DOS
END inicio

The code has been tested using the compiler MASM 5.00 in this emulator with Dosbox

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