Analyze request and decide action, Chrome extension


Viewed 232 times


How to manipulate a url request before opening the page on google Chrome? Searching I found how to block the request of a specific url, but I’m a little confused with how to manipulate the url and redirect.

Example blocking link protector url

  function(detalhes) {
    return {cancel: detalhes.url.indexOf("://") != -1};
  { urls: ["<all_urls>"] },

However I would like to manipulate the URL in some cases, example take the URL of a parameter and redirect: ?s=

1 answer


If detalhes.url returns a string exactly like:

You can use the API URL that is native, to manipulate and extract specific data, as I said in this answer What’s $(this.hash) in jQuery for?

In your case we’ll use the URL.searchParams to take the value of s=, example of a string:

var urlDaExtensao = '';
var params = new URL(urlDaExtensao).searchParams;
var qValue = params.get('s');


See that the console.log will send the result to the console, so you could use this to redirect the current tab with the property redirectUrl, being like this:

chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(function (detalhes) {
    if (detalhes.url.indexOf("://") != -1) {

        var urlDaExtensao = detalhes.url;
        var params = new URL(urlDaExtensao).searchParams;
        var qValue = params.get('s');

        //Se tiver um valor redireciona
        if (qValue) {
            return { "redirectUrl": qValue };
        } else {
            //Se não tiver o valor do direcionamento cancela a requisição
            return { "cancel": true };
    } else {
        //Se for outra URL não cancela
        return { "cancel": false };
}, {
    urls: [ "<all_urls>" ]
}, [ "blocking" ]);

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