Error while consuming Swagger api from the transparence portal


Viewed 249 times


Using this code to consume the api is giving an error in cross-Omain

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  cpf = $('#cpf').val();
  endapitrans = ""+ cpf +"&pagina=1";

  $.getJSON(endapitrans, function(result){
    $.each(result, function(id, pessoaSeguroDefeso){
      for(var i=0;result.length>i;i++){
        $("#api").append(result[i].id + " - " + result[i].pessoaSeguroDefeso.nome + "<br>");


1 answer


You need to include the domain in the CORS list of the if you have access to that government api.

If you do not have this access, you can make a "proxy" in php and do the ajax for this file, where it would get the data from the government api. In practice it’s very simple, see:

// arquivo consulta.php

// Tratar get aqui
$codigo = $_GET['codigo'];

// faz a requisição
$result = file_get_contents(''. $codigo .'&pagina=1');

echo $result;

The ajax part would be:

jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    $('#btnBuscar').on('click', function () {
        $.get('consulta.php', {codigo: $('#cpf').val()}, function (resultado) {
            alert("Resultado obtido\nConsulte o console para mais detalhes");
        }, 'json');

Where $('#btnBuscar') would be the search button selector and $('#cpf') would be the selector of the field where the user type the code to search.

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