How to create an application in Vue?


Viewed 85 times


I am trying to follow the instructions of this site to create an application in Vue: Link

The problem is that I don’t understand what it needs me to do first. Should I download the file from github? He asks me to install Webpack and Vue, but where can I get it(I searched their website but could not find)?

In this part of the site he speaks:

You’ll want to Bring your Typescript files Together - Both the code you’ll be writing as well as any necessary declaration files. To do this, you’ll need to create a "tsconfig.json" which contains a list of your input files as well as all your Compilation Settings. Simply create a new file in your project root named tsconfig.json and Fill it with the following Contents:

I did not understand what he asked me. because I just copied the commands on bash that I had on the site, so I couldn’t find any file with that name. Someone could shed some light on this?

PS: I would ask my teacher, but he wouldn’t help me, I’ve tried

  • I’m not sure if this fits the site. The commands you run on bash are only to install the dependencies, if you ran the npm install <nome da dependência>, you already have Typescript and Vue. This file tsconfig.json is for you to create yourself, in which you declare some rules to define the behavior of TypeScript. And yes, the idea is to create these files following the example of the tutorial.

  • It is so much information together in the tutorial that I end up getting lost easy

1 answer


Well, let’s start from the beginning.


First you install NPM if you haven’t already:


With NPM installed on the machine, follow these steps:

  • With the terminal open type:

    npm install vue

Ready you have the VueJs running in the machine.

I recommend you create the projects based on VueCli that already brings many things ready.

Install Vuecli

  • Run on the terminal

npm install -g @vue/cli

Creating a project based on @Vue/cli

  • In the terminal run

vue create nome-projeto ex: vue create dup-web

Vuecli will ask you several questions of settings like:

  • Babel, Eslint etc.

After that, the terminal will guide you to give a

cd nome-projeto

and then:

npm run serve

I believe that’s it.

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