I need to create an automatic daily BACKUP for a sqlserver database. - The name of the backup should follow the following pattern: BACKUP_BANCO_DIA_MES_ANO;
After creating BACKUP, send a status email (SUCCESS or ERROR);
If SUCCESS, copy the BACKUP to Google Drive and delete the previous BACKUP;
If ERROR, send email informing error.
I found this tutorial but did not understand very well how to use it: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/pt-BR/07feb406-2bf4-478a-8aab-9abbbac97968/script-backup-sql-express?forum=admingeralpt
From now on I’d appreciate it if someone could help me?
wallafe souza, I researched on this tool, looks really good! You came to use the paid version?
– RDamazio
No Friend, I don’t use pay, because the free already meet my needs!
– wallafe sousa