Comparison of php dates


Viewed 78 times


Good morning friends!

My goal is to compare two dates in PHP.

I want to check if $data1 is 24 hours longer than $data2. How do I do this?

Thank you!

  • Good morning Igor, you can explain yourself better?

  • Good morning, Leadnnd. Imagine two date variables, I want to compare them and know if the first date is 24 hours longer than the second, how do I do that?

  • 1

    According to your comment, to know the difference between minutes is like this: SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, '2019-05-01 10:00:00', '2019-05-01 10:05:00') ;

  • Do as @adventistaam said!

  • No, Anderson! My problem is different.

  • 1

    @Igorsouza What are the differences? You asked to compare dates, the question cited compares dates. To me it seemed the same problem - or maybe your question is not clear.

  • Or you can see this response here, I think it takes what you want

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2 answers


Good morning Igor!

This will only work if you have BD! This program does not work on PDO (Object Oriented PHP)!

NOTE: At the end I put a if that will compare the two values. There are several ways to do. I put this because I thought it was the simplest to understand.

Try doing it this way:

$data1 = "" \\colocar o valor da data1
$data2 = "" \\colocar o valor da data2
$sql = "SELECT DATE_ADD(".$data1.", INTERVAL +1 DAY) AS data1_edit FROM tabela"; \\faz a consulta na BD
$consulta = mysqli_query($connect, $sql); \\faz a conexão com a BD através da variável $connect
$result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($consulta);
$data1_edit = $result['data1_edit']; \\vai buscar a variável data1_edit ao SELECT feito em cima
if ($data1_edit == $data2) {} \\serve para comparar as duas datas

Good luck!

  • Thank you very much, dear! helped me too much! perfectly what I needed.


Another suggestion would be that:

You can use with PDO:


   class Horas_DAO {
      private $conn = null;
      public function verificaDatas($data1, $data2) {
          require_once "conexao_pdo.php";   
          $retorno = 0;
          $this->connection = Connection::getConn();
          $query = "SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, :data1, :data2) horas";
          $stmt->bindValue( ':data1', $data1, PDO::PARAM_STR );
          $stmt->bindValue( ':data2', $data2, PDO::PARAM_STR );
              if ($row = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC )) {
                 $retorno = $row['horas'];        
           }catch( PDOException $e ){
              echo "Problema: ".$e->getMessage();
          return $retorno;



Then you would need to call the class method:


       $ad = new Horas_DAO();
       $r = $ad->verificaDatas('2019-05-01 10:00:00', '2019-05-01 10:05:00');
       if( $r > 24 ){
           // faz algo
  • 1

    Why use the database to calculate the difference if PHP already does this?

  • It’s just an option

  • 1

    Which makes no sense anyone use. Is there any advantage?

  • It’s true, you’re right.

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