How to read json in html


Viewed 75 times


I don’t know if that would be the right question, but I have an html code and I’m trying to fill in the json I have, but I have no idea how to do it, what I googled didn’t work. my html is this below:

I am trying to add in the "table" my device_id and my suite_name with suits_result, if anyone can help me

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  <body class="en">
  <div class="container-fluid" >
    <div class="container">
      <div class="main">
        <div class="material">
          <h1>Projeto Virgo</h1>
          <div class="center">
            <div class="time pt">Versão 1.0.0 <b>Data</b> 29/05/2019</div>
  <div class="container-fluid" >
    <div class="container">
         <div class="table">
            <div class="table-title">
            <span class="running_detail en">Report</span>

            <div class="table-content">
               <div class="table-row table-head">
                 <div class="table-col short en">Device</div>
                 <div class="table-col long en">Test Case</div>
                 <div class="table-col">Status</div>
                <div class="table-col short">Galaxy S8</div>
                <div class="table-col long en ">Tela_Iniciar.air</div>
                <div class="table-col short en ">Pass</div>
                <div class="table-col detail en">click to see detail</div>

"report": [
        "device_id": "230afa9cf40b7ece",
        "results": [
                "suite_name": "menu_slots",
                "suite_result": "Fail",
                "suite_results": [
                        "test_name": "slot0.air",
                        "test_result": "Fail",
                        "test_duration": "18.0",
                        "test_results": [
                                "Act Value": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: CHAPTER 1 and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Mission name": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: Buenos Vientos Beach and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Label Start Game Button": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: CONTINUE and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Delete Slot Button Exist": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "NEW SLOT2": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "NEW SLOT3": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                        "test_name": "all_new_slot.air",
                        "test_result": "Fail",
                        "test_duration": "9.0",
                        "test_results": [
                                "Game slots is Closed": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: False and True are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Play Button is not displayed": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Differente Play Button label": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: PLAY and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Game Slots is not Opened": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Different Label on Back button": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "No NEW label is displayed on SLOT1": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "No NEW label is displayed on SLOT2": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "No NEW label is displayed on SLOT3": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                "suite_name": "menu_general",
                "suite_result": "Pass",
                "suite_results": [
                        "test_name": "exit_game_true.air",
                        "test_result": "N/A",
                        "test_duration": "13.0",
                        "test_results": []
                        "test_name": "exit_game_false.air",
                        "test_result": "Pass",
                        "test_duration": "19.0",
                        "test_results": [
                                "Quit Button": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Exit Game Dialog is not displayed": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Exit Game Dialog is displayed": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Leave message": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Yes button": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "No button": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Exit Game Dialog is not displayed": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
        "device_id": "R38KA0BF1NF",
        "results": [
                "suite_name": "menu_slots",
                "suite_result": "Fail",
                "suite_results": [
                        "test_name": "all_new_slot.air",
                        "test_result": "Fail",
                        "test_duration": "8.0",
                        "test_results": [
                                "Game slots is Closed": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: False and True are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Play Button is not displayed": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Differente Play Button label": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: PLAY and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Game Slots is not Opened": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Different Label on Back button": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "No NEW label is displayed on SLOT1": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "No NEW label is displayed on SLOT2": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "No NEW label is displayed on SLOT3": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                        "test_name": "slot0.air",
                        "test_result": "Fail",
                        "test_duration": "18.0",
                        "test_results": [
                                "Act Value": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: CHAPTER 1 and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Mission name": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: Buenos Vientos Beach and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Label Start Game Button": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: CONTINUE and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Delete Slot Button Exist": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "NEW SLOT2": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                                "NEW SLOT3": "Fail",
                                "msg": "AssertionError: NEW and None are not equal",
                                "duration": ""
                "suite_name": "menu_general",
                "suite_result": "Pass",
                "suite_results": [
                        "test_name": "exit_game_true.air",
                        "test_result": "N/A",
                        "test_duration": "14.0",
                        "test_results": []
                        "test_name": "exit_game_false.air",
                        "test_result": "Pass",
                        "test_duration": "19.0",
                        "test_results": [
                                "Quit Button": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Exit Game Dialog is not displayed": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Exit Game Dialog is displayed": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Leave message": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Yes button": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "No button": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""
                                "Exit Game Dialog is not displayed": "Pass",
                                "msg": "",
                                "duration": ""


1 answer


Put your JSON in a jsonReport variable and inside the report attribute varri the elements belonging to it, for your sake it was not very clear I made an example for you can see what I am doing and put in the REPL.IT the final result > in this link

I used Jquery to add the elements on screen:

(Map is the same as the foreach in this case)

( => {
    var name = '<div class="table-col short name">' + element.device_id + '</div>'

    (element.results).map(e => {
        $(".table-content").append('<div class="table-col long en ">' + e.suite_name + '</div>')
        $(".table-content").append('<div class="table-col short en ">' + e.suite_result + '</div>')
        $(".table-content").append('<div class="table-col detail en">click to see detail</div>')

        (e.suite_results).map(elem_suite_results => {
            $(".table-content").append('<div class="table-col long en ">' + elem_suite_results.test_name + '</div>')
            $(".table-content").append('<div class="table-col short en ">' + elem_suite_results.test_result + '</div>')
            $(".table-content").append('<div class="table-col detail en">click to see detail</div>')

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