Powershell, shell_exec + Get-Printer


Viewed 72 times


I’m trying to get a result from server B through server A, by Powershell in php. Basically I’m giving the command

PowerShell Get-Printer -ComputerName (Servidor-B) -Name (Impressora) | Format-List

If I run this command locally on the A server I get this result.

Name                         : teste_1
ComputerName                 :
Type                         : Local
ShareName                    :
PortName                     :
DriverName                   : Generic / Text Only
Location                     :
Comment                      :
SeparatorPageFile            :
PrintProcessor               : winprint
Datatype                     : RAW
Shared                       : False
Published                    : False
PermissionSDDL               :
RenderingMode                :
KeepPrintedJobs              : False
Priority                     : 1
DefaultJobPriority           : 0
StartTime                    : 0
UntilTime                    : 0
PrinterStatus                : Error
JobCount                     : 1
DisableBranchOfficeLogging   :
BranchOfficeOfflineLogSizeMB :

Until then perfect, but if I go through PHP with Shell_exec through the command;

shell_exec('PowerShell Get-Printer -ComputerName (Servidor-B) -Name (Impressora) | Format-List');

The result is this:

Get-Printer : An error occurred while performing the specified operation.  See 
the error details for more information.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-Printer -computername teste_1 | Format-list
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (MSFT_Printer:ROOT/StandardCimv2/M 
   SFT_Printer) [Get-Printer], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x8007007b,Get-Printer

Some details:

  • I’ve run with -Executionpolicy Bypass
  • I have already checked which user is running this command through IIS ( Administrator)
  • I have tried to execute this command within a . ps1 command within a . bat

Anyway, I’ve run out of ideas, someone can help me ?

1 answer


Try installing PHP on the servers and running the powershell from within php q ta on the servers as ADMIN. One can take the result and play in database and redeem by main application.

  • Actually, I did an iis on the other server and just called the local command to generate the report that needed, and it worked. Thanks for the tip !!!

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