Elements inserted via . html() and jQuery key action


Viewed 34 times


The idea of the code is to search for products and insert the product link when the user selects the registration link as a linked product. By clicking on input[type='radio'], a new field is inserted below the URL field through the . html() of jQuery.

I entered a log return in the console to see if the code was recognizing the . keyup() event from the field, but no answers.


  $("input.tipoURL").on('click',function() {
    var value = $(this).val();
    if(value=='prod') {
      $('#return').html("<input type='text' name='listaProd' id='listaProd' placeholder='Pesquise pelo produto'/><div id='returnProd'></div>");
    } else if(value='link') {
    var value = $(this).val();
    var contaChar = value.length;
    if(contaChar<=3) {
    if(contaChar>3) {
      $("#returnProd").load("lista.php?prod=" + value,function(data){
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<input type='text' name='prURL' id='prURL'/>

<label for='tipoURLlink'><input id='tipoURLlink' type='radio' name='tipoURL' value='link' id='tipoURL' class='tipoURL' checked/> Link</label>

<label for='tipoURLprod'><input id='tipoURLprod' type='radio' name='tipoURL' value='prod' class="tipoURL"/> Produto</label>

<div id='return'></div>

1 answer


How you are entering an element in the DOM dynamically, and the association of the event keyup was done before the element exists, it is not executed.

Change the line:



$(document).on('keyup', '#listaProd', function(e){

This way you can intercept any event keyup within the document containing the id #listaProd.


  $("input.tipoURL").on('click',function() {
    var value = $(this).val();
    if(value=='prod') {
      $('#return').html("<input type='text' name='listaProd' id='listaProd' placeholder='Pesquise pelo produto'/><div id='returnProd'></div>");
    } else if(value='link') {
  $(document).on('keyup', '#listaProd', function(e){
    var value = $(this).val();
    var contaChar = value.length;
    if(contaChar<=3) {
    if(contaChar>3) {
      $("#returnProd").load("lista.php?prod=" + value,function(data){
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<input type='text' name='prURL' id='prURL'/>

<label for='tipoURLlink'><input id='tipoURLlink' type='radio' name='tipoURL' value='link' id='tipoURL' class='tipoURL' checked/> Link</label>

<label for='tipoURLprod'><input id='tipoURLprod' type='radio' name='tipoURL' value='prod' class="tipoURL"/> Produto</label>

<div id='return'></div>

  • is it a good practice to generalize the use of $(Document). on('keyup'),...... or only for specific cases of content manipulation generated via DOM ? Grateful.

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