Page a very large list


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Grid in MVC - I have a lot of data to return and I didn’t want to bring all of a single see even why there is paging. How do I get 10 records? Which grid to use together with MVC and Entity Framework. In the example below I bring it all.

Itens itensmedicos = itensmedicos.where(x => x.ativos = true).ToList();

I put it on a grid and it shows right the only problem is it takes too long.

  • 2

    I don’t know what that’s like itensmedicos but the problem is ToList(). Use whatever you want to paginate, if you don’t change this you will still have a performance problem because you are bringing all the data. You probably need to adapt to something like this Skip(page*pagesize).Take(pagesize). Two tips: try to give variable names easier to read. Do not compare against true when the expected result is a boolean. Simplify: where(x => x.ativos)

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