Changes to other branchs in tfs appear in the branch where I act


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I don’t know much about TFS. But one thing is driving me crazy. Whenever I open a certain BRANCH to work, to finish and I will in PENDING CHANGES to make checkin and I see that in addition to the changes that have been made, no comitadas of other BRANCHS. So I keep giving Exclude. My colleague told me commit all these files I give Exclude, however I am afraid to affect the project irreparably, because many are exclusions(delete). But what most intrigues me are changes of other Branchs that appear in the Branch that I’m working on. The question is: Is there any way to prevent these files from appearing and only leave changes to Branch current? Avoid the Exclude

  • Are you working with Git? What version of your TFS?

  • No, just with tfs. Dude don’t know the version. How do I see it? TFS

  • TFS in newer versions has two types of code versioners: Git and TFVC, you need to know which one you’re using. Do you have access to the server TFS is installed on? The easiest way is the Help > About menu available on the TFS console.

  • TFS, this is what I’m using. Team Foundation Server(TFS) and Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition

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