Using Resolve in Angularjs


Viewed 170 times


I am using resolve to check if the user is logged in as follows:

.when('/dashboard', {
            title: 'Dashboard',
            templateUrl: 'view/dashboard.html',
            controller: 'authCtrl',
            resolve: {
                auth: function ($q, Session) {
                    var userInfo = Session.getUserInfo();
                    if (userInfo) {
                        return $q.when(userInfo);
                    } else {
                        return $q.reject({ authenticated: false });

My question is, what does the $q. when(userinfo); in the code above?

From what I understand, I should pass the variable "userinfo" as parameter in the event "routeChangeSucess", right?["$rootScope", "$location", 
  function ($rootScope, $location) {

    $rootScope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", function (userInfo) {

Note that I have in the code above a console.log, but when checking the Firefox console, does not return me the user data but the following:

Object { name="$routeChangeSuccess", targetScope=h, defaultPrevented=false, more...}

What is wrong?

1 answer


Actually what’s wrong are the parameters of $routeChangeSuccess, they must be:

$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", function(event, current, previous) {

That’s why the log shows this object:

Object { name="$routeChangeSuccess", targetScope=h, defaultPrevented=false, more...}

About the $q.when, he does nothing more than receive a Promise or any object and return a Promise.
If this object is not a Promise, the when makes a wrap his in a Promise and calls the resolve.

  • Note that in "resolve" I created the object "userinfo", as I do to access the object in the routeChangeSuccess?

  • I suggest changing the parameters to: (event, args) and debug with the console the contents of args to see where your userinfo.

  • Right, it is in the second parameter, locals -> auth, auth has been defined in "resolve".

  • Glad you solved your problem. I hope if you don’t accept this as the correct answer, at least signal as useful. Thank you

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