Remove space between words in Excel


Viewed 5,456 times


I have a spreadsheet of 7 thousand lines and I need to remove the space between the numbers. I tried to use the function ARRUMAR or TRIM but it didn’t work.

On the spreadsheet it’s like this:

11 99999999

I need you to stay like this:


Is there a function that does this? I’m not finding :{

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2 answers


Good afternoon,

You can use the Find and Select, On the Home tab in the Editing group

Or use a formula: =REPLACE(A2; "Sales"; "Cost") Example: Replaces Sales by Cost (Cost Data)

Thank you.

  • By the "Find and Replace" I am not succeeding, I put the for example "11 " (without quotation marks) and it does not find. How would I use this to replace for 7,000 lines?

  • Here it worked. I selected the column and applied the locate and replace exactly as you did and said it does not find.

  • @Lucky no locate you put the space and in the subsitute nothing.


To remove spacing use the SUBSTITUIR if the installation is available.

Ex: =SUBSTITUIR(E7;" ";"")

The ARRUMAR is only for spaces before and after, between words it does not process.

  • Strange that is not removing the spaces, I even downloaded a business called "Kutools" that has a function to remove all spaces, but does not work. :(

  • Beware of using double wings and not simple.

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