What is the difference between the Height and Clientheight properties of a Tform?


Viewed 981 times


In Delphi a form has 2 properties to define the height of the form: Height and Clientheight. However, what is the difference between the properties Height and Clientheight of a Tform?

1 answer


Height is the very height of the form. It counts for example the titlebar and the top and bottom edges.

Clientheight is the height available for child components of the form.

For example: if the height of a modal form is limited to the size Clientheight of the main form, and this modal form is vertically aligned in the center of the main form, you can still see the title bar of the main form behind the modal form.

You can set Clientheight to determine how much useful space you want for the child components, but the most common use is read this property to delimit the size of child components or the size of modal forms.

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