Bug to popular a Data Gridview in Window Forms


Viewed 98 times


To popular my grid the values are not aligned correctly, as the image below.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

This is my Load Form code:

DatabaseRepository db = new DatabaseRepository();
var colunas = db.GetColumnsName();
var resultado = db.Get();

DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

foreach (IDictionary<string, object> columns in colunas)
    var coluna = columns.Values.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

    foreach (IDictionary<string, object> rows in resultado)
        foreach (var pair in rows)
            if (pair.Key == coluna)
                DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
                dataRow[coluna] = pair.Value;

dataGridView1.DataSource = dataTable;

And that access code to my database:

public class DatabaseRepository
    private Connection _Connection = new Connection();

    public DatabaseRepository()


    public List<dynamic> Get()
        using(var Sql = _Connection.GetConnection())
            var resultado = Sql.Query<dynamic>("SELECT * FROM [seguranca].[tb_acao]").ToList();
            return resultado;

    public List<dynamic> GetColumnsName()
        using(var Sql = _Connection.GetConnection())
            string query = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '" + "tb_acao" +"'";
            var resultado = Sql.Query<dynamic>(query).ToList();
            return resultado;


The idea is to take this data and columns directly from the database, and when listing concatenate the columns with the values to mount the grid.

  • Your code is extremely confusing, there’s something there that doesn’t even make sense. Why don’t you populate a list and play on the grid? Datatable is really necessary?

  • @LINQ I think Datatable is the only way to popular this Grid, as for why not the list, the idea was to take this data dynamically without having to create a model and type in a list

  • Your idea is to make any select in the bank and be able to play it for the same Datagrid. This?

  • @LINQ that’s right

1 answer


Generally speaking, none of this is being done is necessary.

It is possible to simply assign a list as the grid data source, so each item in the list will be a table row and each property of each object will represent a column.

Note that this approach of creating a generic table is not very good in itself, eventually it will be necessary to make some adaptation in a specific case and this can start to get quite confusing.

var itens = new[]
    new { Id = 1, Nome = "Roberval", Idade = 35 },    
    new { Id = 2, Nome = "Joaquina", Idade = 29 },    
    new { Id = 3, Nome = "Marineide", Idade = 60 },    
    new { Id = 4, Nome = "Ericledes", Idade = 55 }

dataGridView1.DataSource = itens;

This code produces the following result:

Tabela dinâmica com id, nome e idade

How do you plan to play grid the data coming from Dapper dynamically, will need to somehow clarify the columns, in this case it will not be possible to use a list as data source of the grid because Datagridview looks for concrete elements to mount the table.

In this OS post has an extension method for enumerable dynamics that "transforms" the collection into a DataTable.

Note that now the idea seems even worse, it would be much easier to have a class representing each model, even if you do not want to have a grid for each case...

Your code would look something like this:

public class DatabaseRepository
    private Connection _Connection = new Connection();

    public DatabaseRepository() { }

    public IEnumerable<dynamic> Get()
        using(var Sql = _Connection.GetConnection())
            return Sql.Query("SELECT * FROM [seguranca].[tb_acao]");
var db = new DatabaseRepository();
dataGridView1.DataSource = db.Get().ToDataTable();
public static class EnumerableExtensions
    public static DataTable ToDataTable(this IEnumerable<dynamic> items)
        var data = items.ToArray();
        if (!data.Any()) return null;

        var dt = new DataTable();
        foreach (var key in ((IDictionary<string, object>)data[0]).Keys)

        foreach (var d in data)
            dt.Rows.Add(((IDictionary<string, object>)d).Values.ToArray());
        return dt;
  • but what if I wanted to take these dynamic properties from the bank, where each "Select" had different fields?

  • @William But that’s exactly what’s in the answer, isn’t it? You can use a list of any kind, including an anonymous type (as in the reply).

  • is you’re right, but how would I put my data on that list giving a for? Because the idea is with the names of the columns and the data do something similar to reflection. However I am not able to list right because the connection returns me a Dapperrow

  • @William I didn’t realize at first what you wanted to do as a whole. I updated the answer.

  • vlw worked perfectly

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