searching data in csv file with Javascript


Viewed 132 times


I’m researching a solution to a problem and I haven’t found anything I could understand, so far,

I have a csv file that contains the data in this format:

0111-3/01,"Cultivation of rice"

On the left is the code, and on the right is the description, separated by a comma.

The file has more than 2 thousand lines.

What I need:

The user types the code in the html field, then the function searches the.csv file for that code, and returns the description. It would be something like:


    //abre arquivo csv que está junto com os arquivos do sistema na pasta _CSV

    arquivo = open(_CSV/arquivo.csv); //função inventada

    for( i = 0; i<quantidade de linhas; i++ ){

        //alguma forma de percorrer o arquivo até encontrar o código correspondente e retornar a descrição

I don’t know if there is any library in javascript that facilitates this, anyway, all help is welcome.

Thank you in advance.

1 answer


I managed to solve, I’ll leave the solution here to help someone one day.

I converted my csv file into a json file, has several sites on the net that does it automatically, it was like this:


    "code": "0111-3/01",
    "description": "Cultivo de arroz"
    "code": "0111-3/02",
    "description": "Cultivo de milho"
    "code": "0111-3/03",
    "description": "Cultivo de trigo"
  }, .... (mais de 2 mil itens)

I created a variable in javascript containing json

var cnae = [
              "code": "0111-3/01",
              "description": "Cultivo de arroz"

then created the javascript function that searches the code in the variable, and returns the Description

function CNAE(value){

   var descricao;
   for (var i = 0; i < cnae.length; i++){
      if (cnae[i].code == value){
        descricao = cnae[i].description;
        //aqui acho que o return pode ser direto, sem a variável
        return descricao;


Despite the amount of objects in the variable, it works instantaneously, very fast. I hope to help someone.

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