I am doing an academic work where I have to pick up a data typed by the User and I am using a Inputbox for such.
But the Inputbox displays several mistakes which I am not aware of.
by clicking Cancel displays the following error:
Other error that I’m trying to deal with is by clicking on (X) of Inputbox
How can I deal with these mistakes? Or if you have other tips from best forms to get that input User would also like to know.
Thank you.
What makes the line wrong?
– ramaral
Takes input typed by user valueRetorando = Inputbox(Prompt, Title, answerPadrao, Xpos, Ypos)
– Arthur Luiz
By the image that posted the error is on the line where converts the entered value to integer.
– ramaral
even typing an Integer value, by clicking: cancel or (x) it displays the error.
– Arthur Luiz
Error informs that typed value(text) cannot be converted to integer.
– ramaral
Do not treat the symptom, treat the disease. When there is an error in the code you fix it and do not try to circumvent it.
– Maniero
I managed to fix by the link that Voce tagged @Maniero, I made a Try catch, Thanks.
– Arthur Luiz
If made a
did nothing of what was in links that I passed and did the opposite of what I commented above, treated the symptom, the disease remains there.– Maniero
I didn’t understand, what would be the "disease"?
– Arthur Luiz
@Arthurluiz didn’t understand why he didn’t read the links that I went through.
– Maniero