I have two Select’s that have the same list of people. When I select "Maria" from select A this option should be hidden from select B, since we cannot select the same person from both selects.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
Testemunha 1 :
<select select-normal data-placeholder="..." ng-model="notificacaoOrientativa.testemunha1"
ng-options="obj as obj.pessoa.nome for obj in lstTestemunha">
<div class="col-md-6">
Testemunha 2 :
<select select-normal data-placeholder="..." ng-model="notificacaoOrientativa.testemunha2"
ng-options="obj as obj.pessoa.nome for obj in lstTestemunha ">
Any suggestions on how to implement? NOTE : I cannot 'delete' options from the List, just hide in the other Select when selected.
It is not possible to do so suggested, because we have users who will certainly select Select 2 first. But thanks for the suggestion friend
– Fellipe Esser
but you could do ng-change in the two selects friend, I do not say to delete the record but just not show, because the user will be able to just choose a record right? then vc recreates the list without this record (only for display). and does it for the two selects.
– i9on i9on
makes sense, I will implement and place here the result
– Fellipe Esser
I solved the problem in a slightly different way, but thank you for the suggestion my brother
– Fellipe Esser