How to separate the results of a SELECT in MYSQL into 2 foreach in PHP?


Viewed 443 times


I have a recipes website where I bring the list of recipes according to the query below:

SELECT * FROM receitas WHERE titulo LIKE '%batata%' ORDER BY ordem

I wanted to show the first 3 featured results (with a different CSS class) and the rest below.

I thought to do 2 foreach, the first with the first 3 highlight and the other foreach with the rest of the results.

My question: This is the best way? If yes, how can I make the 2nd foreach discount those who have already appeared in the 1st not to repeat?

I would like the end result to be:

  <div class="destaque">Destaque 1</div>
  <div class="destaque">Destaque 2</div>
  <div class="destaque">Destaque 3</div>
  <div class="comum">Outro 1</div>
  <div class="comum">Outro 2</div>

1 answer


Use only one foreach. Example:

foreach($receitas as $idx => $r) {
    if($idx <= 2) {
        echo '<div class="destaque">...</div>';
    }elseif($idx == 3) {
        echo '</div><h2>Comuns</h2><div>';
            echo '<div class="normal">...</div>';
        }elseif($idx > 3) {
            echo '<div class="normal">...</div>';
echo '</div>';

Note that the idx used in condition is less than or equal to 2 as this starts at 0.

0 = Revenue 01

1 = Recipe 02

2 = Revenue 03

I hope I’ve helped.

  • show, is that like joining the foreach with the is? a doubt on this, is that I would like to put a <H2> between the highlights and the common ones, I edited my question as I need the final result.

  • I got it using what you sent and a combination of ifs, I can edit your reply and put as solved?

  • Hello. Foreach and For are efficient loop loops, but foreach is used to traverse arrays or objects. I’m glad you made it! Yes, you can.

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