Insert with Inner Join and various conditions in Where clause


Viewed 152 times


What is the best way to make one SELECT with INNER JOIN and with various conditions using Sqlite Android?

I thought I’d do it this way:

SQLiteQueryBuilder _QB = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();

               ON TABELA_1.ID =TABELA_2.TABELA_1_ID");

String[] columns = new String[]
   " SUM (column1) as column1",
   " SUM (column2) as column2"

String groupBy = "column1";

String selection = "column1=example1 AND column2=example2";

String orderBy = " column2 ASC ";

SQLiteDatabase db = beginTransactiongin();

Cursor cursor = _QB.query(SQLiteDatabase, columns, selection, null,groupBy, null,orderBy);
  • 2

    Try to be more descriptive in your problem, especially in the title. This helps you get a better result and more easily. See also:

  • 1

    I’ve already made the change I think now this noticeable

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