Click a button and select a checkbox


Viewed 67 times


My problem is that I have a list, in this list all items have a button and a checkbox, what should happen is, I click the button of this item and it select only the checkbox of this item. But what I managed to do is just click on any button and it select all the checkbox.

My view

 <?php foreach ($produtos as $produto): ?>
     <td><?= $this->Number->format($produto->id) ?></td>
     <td><?= h($produto->name) ?></td>
     <td><?= h($produto->cor) ?></td>
     <td><?= h($produto->tecido) ?></td>
     <td><?= $this->Number->format($produto->estoque) ?></td>
     <td><?= $this->Number->format($produto->preco) ?></td>
        <button type="button" class="btn-success btn addcart" onclick='marcardesmarcar();'>+ Adicionar</button>
        <input type="checkbox" style="display:none;"  name="id[]" class="checkbox checkTodos" value="<?php echo $produto['id'];?>">
<?php endforeach; ?>


var clicked = false;
$(".addcart").on("click", function() {
     $(".checkTodos").prop("checked", !clicked);
     clicked = !clicked;

1 answer


I put a snippet with a possible solution.

I removed the function onclick='marcardesmarcar();' because she’s not in the code you posted.

I removed the display=none of input[type='checkbox'] for you to see him change.

And I altered your event from onclick that you added via jQuery.
Basically this event now uses the function .siblings() jQuery to search for the 'brother' of the button that has the class .checkTodos.

$(".addcart").on("click", function() {
  /// ; Quando o evento for disparado o this aqui dentro sera o botão
  /// ; O que o codigo abaixo faz é procurar pelo 'irmao' do botao com a
  /// ; classe `.checkTodos`
  let checkbox = $(this).siblings(".checkTodos"),
  /// ; Agora com o checkbox eu pego se ele esta marcado ou não
      checked  = checkbox.prop("checked");
  /// ; e como você fez, inverto o status de marcado ou não (toggle)
<script src=""></script>
        <button type="button" class="btn-success btn addcart">+ Adicionar</button>
        <input type="checkbox" style="display:;"  name="id[]" class="checkbox checkTodos" value="1">
        <button type="button" class="btn-success btn addcart">+ Adicionar</button>
        <input type="checkbox" style="display:;"  name="id[]" class="checkbox checkTodos" value="2">
        <button type="button" class="btn-success btn addcart">+ Adicionar</button>
        <input type="checkbox" style="display:;"  name="id[]" class="checkbox checkTodos" value="3">

  • Thanks for the help, ah these parts that Voce removed I’m using in other parts of the code, however I forgot to remove them when posting, forgive me. Only problem is that I am using the foreach to list me all products, because to do this by parts as Voce did is impracticable for me if I have a large number of products... Is there no other way to solve my problem? How to generate id for each checkbox automatically?

  • Sorry if I’m talking nonsense, I’m new to js

  • As you are drawn the table should not affect the operation of javascript, I put so to have more than one checkbox/ product and be able to see the code working, imagine that the html presented here is the result of your foreach in the php

  • 1

    Oh understood, thank you for the reply and sorry for my confusion in the previous comment, thank you very much!

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