I have a Tprodutovmi class and to be able to better manipulate the information within a list I created the Tprodutovmilist class that inherits from an Objectlist.
But every time having used the ADD method gives the error of "Access Violation". When I cast an Objectlist for my type Tprodutovmilist I can use it normally, even using its functions, but still the ADD method keeps giving error.
TProdutoVMI = class(TEntity)
FpurchaseDistribuitionProfile: String;
FsupplierProductId: String;
FreceiverFiscalId: String;
FsubrangeId: String;
FminSalesQuantity: Integer;
FtimeUpdateVMI: String;
FproductId: String;
FprocessBillingType: String;
FisControlledByBatch: Boolean;
FsupplierSalesUnitMeasure: String;
FuserVMI: String;
FdateUpdateVMI: String;
Fstore: String;
FproductEAN: String;
FsupplierFiscalId: String;
procedure SetdateUpdateVMI(const Value: String);
procedure SetisControlledByBatch(const Value: Boolean);
procedure SetminSalesQuantity(const Value: Integer);
procedure SetprocessBillingType(const Value: String);
procedure SetproductEAN(const Value: String);
procedure SetproductId(const Value: String);
procedure SetpurchaseDistribuitionProfile(const Value: String);
procedure SetreceiverFiscalId(const Value: String);
procedure Setstore(const Value: String);
procedure SetsubrangeId(const Value: String);
procedure SetsupplierFiscalId(const Value: String);
procedure SetsupplierProductId(const Value: String);
procedure SetsupplierSalesUnitMeasure(const Value: String);
procedure SettimeUpdateVMI(const Value: String);
procedure SetuserVMI(const Value: String);
property store : String read Fstore write Setstore;
property supplierFiscalId : String read FsupplierFiscalId write SetsupplierFiscalId;
property subrangeId : String read FsubrangeId write SetsubrangeId;
property productId : String read FproductId write SetproductId;
property productEAN : String read FproductEAN write SetproductEAN;
property isControlledByBatch : Boolean read FisControlledByBatch write SetisControlledByBatch;
property supplierProductId : String read FsupplierProductId write SetsupplierProductId;
property minSalesQuantity : Integer read FminSalesQuantity write SetminSalesQuantity;
property supplierSalesUnitMeasure : String read FsupplierSalesUnitMeasure write SetsupplierSalesUnitMeasure;
property receiverFiscalId : String read FreceiverFiscalId write SetreceiverFiscalId;
property purchaseDistribuitionProfile : String read FpurchaseDistribuitionProfile write SetpurchaseDistribuitionProfile;
property processBillingType : String read FprocessBillingType write SetprocessBillingType;
property dateUpdateVMI : String read FdateUpdateVMI write SetdateUpdateVMI;
property timeUpdateVMI : String read FtimeUpdateVMI write SettimeUpdateVMI;
property userVMI : String read FuserVMI write SetuserVMI;
TProdutoVMIList = class(TObjectList<TProdutoVMI>)
TGroupProdutoVMI = class
strict private
FsupplierProductId: String;
FproductId: String;
procedure SetproductId(const Value: String);
procedure SetsupplierProductId(const Value: String);
property productId : String read FproductId write SetproductId;
property supplierProductId : String read FsupplierProductId write SetsupplierProductId;
strict private
FGroup: TObjectList<TGroupProdutoVMI>;
function GetGroup: TObjectList<TGroupProdutoVMI>;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Group : TObjectList<TGroupProdutoVMI> read GetGroup;
Good morning Higor.. everything straight.. Strange even to give access violation.. also did not understand.. but if we do so goes smoothly..: Var A : Integber;Product : Tprodutovmi, Tobjectlist<Tprodutovmi> Begin List:= Tobjectlist<Tprodutovmi>. Create; For A:= 0 to 1 do Begin Product:= Tprodutovmi.Create; List.Add(Product). You will understand... :|
– Ricardo M.Souza
It’s really weird, because if I just create an object like Tobjectlist<Tprodutovmi> it works normally. Already when it is a class inherited from a Tobjectlist<Tprodutovmi> I have this problem with the Add method. ;TProdutoVMIList(TObjectList<TProdutoVMI>) Only thus I was able to use the class Tprodutovmilist, since by now my Objectlist is already populated
– Higor Craco Baltieri