Accentuation of indigenous names in the Oracle database


Viewed 715 times


We have a situation of inclusion of records of indigenous names in the Oracle bank, where there is a variation of accentuation, and may have "e" or "u" with tilde. Our Oracle parameters (version 9i) are NLS_LANGUAGE = BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE NLS_TERRITORY = BRAZIL

  • What question or doubt? I did not understand

  • How to place and with til or u with til in the database.

1 answer


There are two distinct elements involved:

  • The Charsets used to create your database.
  • The charset used for data presentation.

When creating the database are defined NLS_CHARACTERSET and NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET. These parameters can be checked by the query:

select * 
from nls_database_parameters 
where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET' 

Regarding the charset used for data presentation, I suggest setting NLS_LANG, which has the format <LANGUAGE>_<TERRITORY>.<CHARACTER_SET>. In case we would have <LANGUAGE> = BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE, <TERRITORY> = BRAZIL and <CHARACTER SET> which may be:

US7ASCII      [X]
WE8ISO8859P1  [X]
WE8ISO8859P15 [X]
WE8MSWIN1252  [X]

The Charsets marked with [X] do not allow letters and or u with til. See for example the WE8ISO8859P1 (ISO 8859-1):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Therefore, you will need to use Unicode, for example:


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