Good afternoon, everyone!
I am working with the maintenance of a JAVA application integrated with ERP J.D. Edwards, where we have an interface to retrieve tracking code information from the post office.
However, the "target" tag within the "event" tag in the "searchEvents" API is not returning any information in the application. I have tried to identify a point or two that could be causing this problem (such as import from package "oracle.E1.bssv.JC554901.proxyRastreio.types.Destinations"), but nothing seems to solve this problem.
In Soapui, I can see the information returning correctly, but in no way can I see this information in Jdeveloper.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<X-OPNET-Transaction-Trace:X-OPNET-Transaction-Trace xmlns:X-OPNET-Transaction-Trace="http://opnet.com">pid=152686,requestid=af7a9756ee9e245409e56f9f101ebf9d66f23581c8b19a22</X-OPNET-Transaction-Trace:X-OPNET-Transaction-Trace>
<ns2:buscaEventosResponse xmlns:ns2="http://resource.webservice.correios.com.br/">
<descricao>Objeto encaminhado</descricao>
<local>CEE TERESINA</local>
Someone has managed to shed some light on this matter?
Thanks in advance!
Popping up here to see if anybody can help me. :/
– Daniel Leite
For those who have a similar problem, I discovered the cause: I commented the line below, before the declaration of Arraylist <destinations>, and the problem was solved.
//@XmlElement(namespace = "http://resource.webservice.correios.com.br/")
 protected List<Destinos> destino;
– Daniel Leite