I have a code that works perfectly running on the console but doesn’t work when I call it by clicking on a document button.
Function of my code: Read a file .csv and separate words between semicolon and semicolon.
Return testing on console: All separate sentences in an array: product[0.15:"Reference", 0.16:"Modeling",...]
Return by clicking the button: Product[0,15:FINED, 0,16:FINED,...]
For test purposes, in the document . csv that I am going up contains this data (these 15 semicolons at the beginning is because the separation in the for starts at index 15):
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;REFERENCE;MODELING;GRADE;grade1;grade2;grade3;grade4;grade5;grade6;grade7;grade8;grade9;grade10;WHOLESALE R$;RETAIL
My code:
function ImportarProdutos()
//Pega elemento <input>
var file = document.getElementById("DadosCsv");
///Variavel para ler arquivo (.csv)
var reader = new FileReader();
//Lê o arquivo
//adiciona o que foi lido em uma variavel
var produtos = reader.result;
var produto = [];
//Aqui apenas separa cada palavra
var pos =30;
var j = 15;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for( ; j < pos; j++){
produto[[i,j]] = produtos.split(";")[j];
pos = pos+15;
<input type="file" id="DadosCsv" />
<button onclick="ImportarProdutos()">Importar Produtos</button>
Pasting the code that is inside the function, and removing the word 'var' before the variables
– Wanderson Rodrigo