Error: Collection modified; maybe enumeration operation is not executed


Viewed 1,915 times


I have a problem using the foreach to traverse a array of strings.

This component is a search button to select files, it selects and writes the address of the file into a array of strings, i created a repeat loop to check if the same file was selected twice, but the second run of loop results in an exception.

How the exception is generated:

  1. I select two files, they are stored in array hassle-free.
  2. I again select the same two files to test the method.
  3. The first check is done successfully, the program recognizes that the file is already in the list and does not add it.
  4. When checking the second file the exception is generated.

    List<string> ListPath = new List<string>(); // Array
    string File; // Arquivo

    private void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        OpenFileDialog AbrirArquivo = new OpenFileDialog(); //Instância
        AbrirArquivo.Multiselect = true; // habilita a multseleção de arquivos
        if (AbrirArquivo.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) // ao pressionar ok
            foreach (var File in AbrirArquivo.FileNames) // para cada arquivo no array
                if(ListPath.Count == 0) // se a lista for vazia
                    ListPath.Add(File); //adiciona o primeiro elemento
                else // se não for vazia, agora ele verifica se já existe
                    foreach(var item in ListPath) //Onde ocorre a Exception 
                        if(item == File) //se o item da lista for igual ao caminho do arquivo
                            continue; // pula para o próximo e não adiciona na lista
                            ListPath.Add(File); // se não, adiciona.

        PathText.Text = (ListPath.Count + " Arquivos selecionados"); 
// mostra em um textBox quantos arquivos foram selecionados.

1 answer


  • Super useful, I didn’t know.

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