I can’t run my application for Ios anymore


Viewed 21 times


I used to be able to run my application smoothly, but now little had disappeared from the debug list the option to run on Io became only android and uwp. Now it’s back up, only I can’t spin anymore. this error message appears in the visual studio, I tried to reicinia the visual, I noticed it too and I even tested in another machine my project but gives the same error, I tried to do what the image also asks.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


After so much searching I discovered that I was the first to have this problem. I managed to solve. added the solution a new project called Newios following the instructions for this site http://www.randrade.net/2017/06/28/adicionado-manualmente-um-projeto-ios-na-solucao-xamarin-forms/ then I tested the old iOS project and continued with the problem but the new one was running perfectly so I deleted the old project from the solution and I only had Newios

I leave here the solution in case someone else comes through it.

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