convert Data typescript


Viewed 213 times


I’m having a relatively simple problem, but I’m not finding a solution:

I need to send a request to save a Date in the database(sqlServer), but the date has to be in the format (yyyy-dd-mm HH:mm:ss). My object however, passes as follows (2010-4-4), soon, I need him to turn 2010-04-04 00:00:00

I used the new Date(p) passing this date as parameter, but it does not recognize this format, and at the end returns me NaN

how can I solve this problem? follow my current code

    public formatData(d) {

    let date    = new Date(d);

    var ano  = date.getFullYear();
    var mes  = '' + (date.getMonth() + 1);
    var dia  = '' + date.getDate();

    if (mes.length  < 2) mes  = '0' + mes;
    if (dia.length  < 2) dia  = '0' + dia;

    return [ano, dia, mes].join('-') + ' ' + ['00', '00', '00'].join(':');
  • 1

    I do not understand what you want to do, if you pass the date 2010-4-4 by that your function does not return Nan, nor if I run a new Date() with the return of it, the error is in another part of the code that is not here?

  • 1

    Why the Typescript tag? It wouldn’t be the same if you used Javascript normally?

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