Query mysql rows for columns


Viewed 187 times


Hi, I know there are some similar questions here already, but none of them helped me. I have the following table in my database:

| id_bolao | data_concurso | premio |
|   1      | 2019-05-18    |   1    |
|   1      | 2019-05-18    |   10   |
|   1      | 2019-05-18    |   22   |
|   1      | 2019-05-18    |   45   |
|   1      | 2019-05-18    |   70   |
|   1      | 2019-05-19    |   3    |
|   1      | 2019-05-19    |   4    |
|   1      | 2019-05-19    |   47   |
|   1      | 2019-05-19    |   34   |
|   1      | 2019-05-19    |   80   |

And I need to arrive at the following result, but these values are not fixed. every day will be registered new contests with 5 different awards:

|id_bolao| data_concurso | premio1 | premio2 | premio3 | premio4 | premio5 |
|   1    | 2019-05-18    |   1     |    10   |    22   |    45   |   70    |
|   1    | 2019-05-19    |   3     |    4    |    47   |    34   |   80    |

The questions already existing in the community give solutions with constant values and not dynamic values. Any idea?

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  • I already read the tour friend, and I believe the question is very clear! Thank you

  • 1
  • What version of MySQL?

  • The system will work as follows, every day will be registered new contests with 5 different prizes, but when showing the query on the screen would not like to show in several lines the prizes of the same contest, but rather all prizes in the same line, as the example.

  • Version of Mysql 5.7

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1 answer


I managed to solve my problem above by adding another field: sequencia in my table, it is a field that will always be 1 to 5 in the contests launched every day. The query was like this:

   max(CASE sequencia WHEN 1 THEN premio ELSE 0 END) as premio1,
   max(CASE sequencia WHEN 2 THEN premio ELSE 0 END) as premio2,
   max(CASE sequencia WHEN 3 THEN premio ELSE 0 END) as premio3,
   max(CASE sequencia WHEN 4 THEN premio ELSE 0 END) as premio4,
   max(CASE sequencia WHEN 5 THEN premio ELSE 0 END) as premio5

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