I am doing a job for college with Object Orientation and Windows Forms, but I have the following problem:
The program consists of several Forms, in the first I made the code to play music as shown in the code below
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
som = Path.Combine(CaminhoMusica, "MenuSom.mp3");
WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer musica = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer();
musica.URL = som;
musica.settings.setMode("loop", true);
guardar.Tocandomusica = true;
however, when I open any other filters that have the Load event, such as this
private void Habitos_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (animal is Cachorro)
lbAnimal.Text = "Cachorro";
lbClassificacao.Text = "Mamifero - Predador";
pnMamiferos.Enabled = true;
pnPredadores.Enabled = true;
at the end of the load event, the music stops playing in the entire program, and this is something that happens only in the Forms that have a load event, in the others the music continues playing normally, what I can do to solve this?
EDIT:Debugging the code, I realized that the problem is not in the load event but in
Habitos habitos = new Habitos(x.Valor);
on the habitos line.Showdialog();,but I still don’t know what is causing this, because it is only in some specific Forms.
EDIT2: I solved the problem, I had to instantiate Wmplib.Windowsmediaplayer musica = new Wmplib.Windowsmediaplayer(); outside the Load event of the first form, because it seems to me that after opening a certain number of Forms, the load of the first one was finished and so the music object was deleted together
Hello @Renato. Edit your question and put the code in formatted text instead of image.
– João Martins
I edited the question
– Renato Vieira
What is Wmplib?
– Leandro Angelo
I don’t know how to explain technically what it is, but this Wmplib.Windowsmediaplayer serves to play sounds in windows media player via code
– Renato Vieira
Anyway, I’ve solved the problem, I’ll edit the question with the answer in case someone has the same problem
– Renato Vieira